Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"Seaside Park" (Marblehead, MA)

9x12" Acrylic on canvas panel 
This is a painting I started at on location at Seaside Park in Marblehead.  It’s one of the few places you can briefly get away from civilization with dense woods.  After a 1/4 mile, you step out of the woods into a magnificent view of the harbor with the lighthouse in the distance.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Jersey Beach (Marblehead, MA)

8x10" Acrylic on canvas panel

While visiting family at Marblehead, MA, I went down to the shoreline off Jersey St at sunset and painted this scene of the sun-lit house.  Beautiful area!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Palo Duro Canyon Entrance

8x10" Acrylic on canvas panel
This is a plein air painting from a visit to Palo Duro Canyon in September.  If you pull over about 1/4 mi from the entrance, follow the little trail to the ledge and you can see this amazing view. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

"Galveston Getaway"

9x12" Acrylic on canvas panel
I revisited a plein air painting from the this summer now that I'm learning figures.  Adding people, seagulls, towels and the umbrella set-up really gave this painting the feel of a weekend at Galveston.