I saw this scene out at the property of the cattle through the tractor "house". It was about 3pm and the sun was hitting directly on the rusted tin roof making it really stand out. Had to paint it!
While spending time in Houston, I went to paint at Hermann Park. The day was perfect and thousands were out playing in the park. I sat beneath the shade of a tree and saw some kids throwing bread to the ducks. Immediately, ducks and swans paddled in and swarmed the area. I think it captured the fun, lighthearted mood of the day perfectly.
The American Robin (or Red-Breasted Robin) is usually seen searching in fields or freshly cut lawn for it's next meal. When the sun catches it just right, it's spectacular to see.
I took time to catch photos the past two weeks while Spring was in full color and saw this cardinal. I tried to capture the look of nobility and pride it had.