Saturday, March 31, 2012

Grace Ranch in the Spring

8x10" Acrylic on canvas panel
3/27/12: This is the second plein air trip I've done lately.  This is Grace Ranch near Muldoon, TX.  While helping my uncle with ranch work, I spotted some longhorns sitting lazily in a pasture of bluebonnets with a great scene in the background.  I quickly got out the paints and did my best to capture the moment.

Weimar, TX Bluebonnets

8x10" Acrylic on canvas panel.
3/20/12: My camera part finally came in to post up the past two plein air trip works. This is an area in Weimar, TX where the bluebonnets are booming right now. Despite a raging sunburn from lack of judgement in the sunscreen department, this was a great day to paint. Spring is definitely here!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"Poised for Action"

8x10" Acrylic on canvas panel.
Buy Now with PayPal: $35 + shipping ($8US/$10Canada)

It's been a while since I've posted. While I wait for a replacement part to my "good" camera, I managed to get a good representation of this painting with my iPhone camera, so it's time to forge ahead. 

I decided it was time to paint the mockingbird.  It seems I've made a lawn mowing buddy as this bird is always there watching and waiting for new exposed insects. When I look up, I often see him in this alert pose, so I name this painting "poised for action".  

Thursday, March 15, 2012

"Breakfast of Kings"

8"x10" Acrylic on canvas panel, varnished
Buy Now with PayPal: $35 + shipping ($8US/$10Canada)
This was a DailyPaintWorks still life challenge of the week...and I was hungry.  Win, win.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

"Misty Creek"

8" x 10", Acrylic on canvas panel, varnished
Buy Now with PayPal: $35 + shipping ($8US/$10Canada)
"Misty Creek" was inspired by memories of Montreat,NC, where the clouds hung low to the creek bed in the early morning.  I spent many hours catching rainbow trout, "rock hopping" and swimming in these chilly, magical waters. I may create a similar, larger version of this painting in the next week or two.

"A Quick Pause"

8"x 10" Acrylic on canvas panel, varnished
As a kid, I went every summer to North Carolina mountains and was introduced to the chickadee.  It's constantly on the move hopping through the trees, so this painting catches a quick pause before moving on.  Just for interest, if you hear "Chick-a-dee-dee-dee, (repeat)" you can find the bird in this painting. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Mountain Lights"

14"x11" Acrylic on canvas panel, varnished
"Mountain Lights" is meant to feel inviting with the creek running downhill passing the cabin to the left on it's way to the lake.  As your eyes follow the creek, the details set the scene of a lakeside community and moonlit mountains in the background. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

"Nestled In"

8"x10" Acrylic on canvas panel
When I visited Dinosaur Valley State Park (Glen Rose, TX), it was chilly in the morning with a light frost.  As I hiked around, I caught a photo of this cardinal nestled in deep in the cedars and brush all fluffed and nestled in. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

"Opposites Attract"

8x10" Acrylics on canvas panel, varnished.
This still life was a fun way of making a statement of how differences are often the joy in relationships; so the orange wraps its "arm" around around the apple.